

姓 名:章军锋












1.Shi, F., Zhang, J.F., Xia, G., Jin, Z., Green, H.W. 2015. Rheology of Mg2GeO4 spinel: implications for viscosity of Earth’s mantle trainsition zone.Geophysical Research Letter, in press.

2.Xu, H.J., Zhang, J.F., Zong, K.Q., Liu, L., 2015. Quartz exsolution topotaxy in clinopyroxene from the UHP eclogite of Weihai, China.Lithos, in press.

3.Liu, P.L., Wu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, J.F., Jin, Z.M., 2015. UHP impure marbles fromthe Dabie Mountains: Metamorphic evolution and carbon cycling in continental subduction zones. Lithos 212-215, 280-297.

4.Zhao, Z., Wang, E.F., Yang, H.P., Kono, Y., Wen, B., Bai, L., Shi, F., Zhang, J., Kenney-Benson, C., Park, C., Wang, Y., Shen, G., 2015. Nanoarchitectured materials composed of fullerence-like spheroids and discordered grapheme layers with tunable mechanical properties.Nature Communications, 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms7212.

5.Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F., 2014. Magma mixing generatedTriassic I-type granites in South China.Journal of Geology, 122, 329-351.

6.Xu, H.J., Zhang, J.F., Yu, T., River, M., Wang, Y.B., Zhao, S.R.,2014. Crystallographic evidence for simultaneous growth in graphic granite.Gondwana Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2014.01.013.

7.Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F., 2014. Petrogenesis of DashenshanI-type granodiorite: implications for Triassic crust-mantle interaction, South China.International Geology Review56(3), 332-350.

8.Song, Y.R., Xu, H.J., Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D., 2014. Syn-exhumation partial melting and melt segregation in the Sulu UHP terrane: Evidences from leucosome and pegmatitic vein of migmatite.Lithos202-203, 55-75.

9.Song, Y.R., Xu, H.J., Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D., 2014. Effects of melt fractional crystallization on Sr-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systems: a case study of Triassic migmatite in the Sulu UHP terrane. International Geology Review 56(7), 783-800.

10.Liu, P.L., Wu, Y., Liu, Q., Zhang, J.F., Zhang, L., Jin, Z.M., 2014. Partial melting of UHP calc-gneiss from the Dabie Mountains.Lithos, 192-195: 86-101.

11.Zhang J.F., Shi, F., Xu, H.J., Wang, L., Feng, S.Y., Liu, W.L., Wang, Y.F., Green H.W.,2013. Petrofabric and strength of SiO2near the quartz-coesite phase boundary.Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31: 83-92.

12.Liu, Q., Hermann, J., Zhang, J.F., 2013. Sub-solidus dehydration and melting in the Shuanghe UHP paragneiss: evidence from polyphase inclusions in clinozoisite and garnet.Lithos, 177: 91-109.

13.Xu, H.J., Ye, K., Song, Y.R., Chen, Y., Zhang, J.F., Liu, Q., Guo, S. 2013. Prograde metamorphism, decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt fractional crystallization in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China.Chemical Geology, 341: 16-37.

14.Wang, Y., Zhang, J.F., Shi, F., 2013. The origin and geophysical implications of a weak C-type olivine fabric in the Xugou ultra-high pressure garnet peridotite.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 376: 63-73.

15.Zhang J.F., Wang, C., Wang, Y.F.,2012. Experimental constraints on the destruction mechanism of the North China Craton.Lithos, 149: 91-99.

16.Wang, Y.F., Zhang, J.F., Jin, Z.M., Green, H.W., 2012. Mafic granulite rheology: implications for a weak continental lower crust.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 353-354: 99-107.

17.Wang, Y.F., Zhang, J.F., Jin, Z.M., Kohlstedt, D.L., 2012.Low oxygen fugacity dependency for the deformation of partially molten lherzolite.Tectonophysics, 580: 114-123.

18.Zhao, S., Jin, Z., Zhang, J., Xu, H., Xia, G., Green, H.W., 2012. Does subducting lithosphere weaken as it enters the lower mantle?Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L10311, doi:10.1029/2012GL051666.

19.Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q., Zhang, J.F., Ye, K., 2012. Early Cretaceous low-Mg adakitic granites from the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for destruction of the over-thickened lower continental crust.Gondwana Research, 23: 190-207.

20.Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q., Zhang J.F., 2012. Generation of Early Cretaceous high-Mg adakitic host and enclaves by magma mixing, Dabie orogen, Eastern China.Lithos, 142-143: 182-200.

21.Xu, H., Ma, C.Q., Song, Y., Zhang, J., Ye, K., 2012. Early Cretaceous intermediate-mafic dykes in the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for crust-mantle interaction.Lithos, 154: 83-99.

22.Xu, H., Song, Y., Ye, K., Zhang, J., Wang, H., 2012. Petrogenesis of mafic dykes and high-Mg adakitic enclaves in the Late Mesozoic Fangshan low-Mg adakitic pluton, North China Craton,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 54-55: 143-161.

23.Xu, H., Ye, K., Zhang, J.F., 2012. Temperature of prograde metamorphism, decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt fractional crystallization in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane: constraints from Ti-in-zircon thermometer.Journal of Earth Science, 23(6): 813-827.

24.Liu, Q., Wu, Y., Zhang, J.F., 2011. Experimental investigation on low-degree dehydration partial melting of biotite gneiss and phengite-bearing eclogite at 2 GPa. Journal of Earth Science, 22: 677-687.

25.Zhang, J.F., Xu H., Liu Q., Green H.W., Dobrzhinetskaya, L.F., 2011. Pyroxene exsolution topotaxy in majoritic garnet from 250-300 km depth.Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29: 741-751.

26.Zhang J, Prakapenka V, Kubo A, Kavner A, Green H W, Dobrzhinetskaya L F. 2011. Diamond nucleation from amorphous carbon and graphite in presence of COH fluids: in situ diamond anvil cell experiments. In “UHPM: 25 year after discovery of coesite and diamond (eds. Dobrzhinetskaya et al.)”, Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-385144-4.00003-5., pp. 134-124.

27.Shi, F., Wang, Y., Xu, H., Zhang, J.F., 2010. Effects of lattice preferred orientation and retrogression on seismic properties of eclogite.Journal of Earth Science, 21: 569-580.

28.Wang, C., Jin, Z.M., Gao, S., Zhang, J.F., et al. 2010.Eclogite-melt/peridotite reaction: Experimental constrains on the destruction mechanism of the North China Craton. Sci China Earth Sci, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-0084-1.

29.Gao, S., Zhang, J.F., Xu, W.L., Liu, Y.S., 2009. Delamination and destruction of the North China Craton.Chinese Sci Bull, 54: 3367-3378.

30.Liu, Q., Jin, Z.M., Zhang, J.F., 2009.An experimental study of dehydration melting of phengite-bearing eclogite at 1.5-3.0 GPa.Chinese Sci Bull, 54: 2090-2100.

31.Liu, L.,Yang, J.X., Zhang, J.F., Chen, D.L., Wang, C., Yang, W.Q., 2009.Exsolution microstructures in ultrahigh-pressure rocks: Progress, controversies and challenges.Chinese Sci Bull, 54: 1983-1995.

32.Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Jin, Z. 2008. CPO-induced seismic anisotropy in UHP eclogites.Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 51: 11-21.

33.Zhang, J., Green, H., 2007. On the deformation of eclogite: from laboratory to nature.International Geology Review,49: 487-503.

34.Zhang, J., Green, H. 2007. Experimental investigation of eclogite rheology and fabrics at high pressure.Journal of Metamorphic Geology,25: 97-115.

35.Liu, L.,Zhang, J.,Green H.W., Jin, Z., Bozhilov, K. N. 2007. Evidence of former stishovite in metamorphosed sediments, implying subduction to >350 km.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263: 180-191.

36.Yang, J., Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Bai, W., Fang, Q., Robinson, P. T.*, Zhang, J., Green, H. W. 2007. Diamond- and coesite-bearing chromiitites from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet.Geology, 35: 875-878.

37.Zhang, J., Green, H., Bozhilov, K. 2006. Rheology of omphacite at high temperature and pressure and significance of its lattice preferred orientation.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,246: 432-443.

38.Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Liu, Z., Cartigny, P., Zhang, J.,Tchkhetia, D., Hemley, R. J.,Green, H. W. II 2006.Synchrotron infrared and Raman spectroscopy of microdiamonds from Erzgebirge, Germany.Earth and Planetary Science Letters248: 340-349.

39.Zhang, J., Jin, Z., Green, H. W. II. 2005. Hydroxyl induced eclogite fabric and deformation mechanism.Chinese Science Bulletin, 50: 685-690.

40.Zhang, J, Green, H W, Bozilov, K, Jin, Z. 2004. Faulting induced by precipitation of water at grain boundaries in hot subducting oceanic crust.Nature, 428: 633-636.

41.Luo, H., Zhang, J., Yan, Y. 2003. Electrochemical deposition of mesoporous crystalline oxide semiconductor films from lyotropic liquid crystalline phases.Chemistry of Materials,15: 3769-3773.

42.Jin, Z., Zhang, J., Green, H W, Jin, S. 2002. Rheological properties of deep subducted oceanic lithosphere and their geodynamic implications.Science in China (Series D), 45: 969-977.

43.Jin, Z, Zhang, J, Jin, S & Green, H W II. 2001. Eclogite rheology: implications for deep subduction.Geology,29: 667-670.

44.Zhang, J., Jin, Z., Green, H. W., Jin, S. 2001. Hydroxyl in continental deep subduction zone: evidence from UHP eclogites of the Dabie Mountains.Chinese Science Bulletin, 46: 592-596.