报告题目:Effects of Low-Viscosity Layers inside Planetary Interiors: Some Geophysical Application to the Earth and the Moon
报告人:原田雄司 (Harada, Yuji)
合作导师:肖龙 教授
平劲松 研究员 中国科学院国家天文台
鄢建国 副教授 武汉大学
朱培民 教授 新浦金350vip地球物理与空间信息学院
王 琪 教授 新浦金350vip地球物理与空间信息学院
曾佐勋 教授 350VIP浦京集团
张 昊 教授 350VIP浦京集团
Harada, Yuji, Ph.D.
He came to this institute in April 2013 after several years as postdoctoral fellows at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo. While at Shanghai, Tokyo, and here, he conducted numerical works on polar wonder of Mars and the Earth and tidal dissipation of the Moon and used modelling approaches to evaluate how an internal viscosity structure affects rotation and deformation on a solid planetary body. He completed his doctoral course in Earth and Planetary Science at the University of Tokyo, where he mainly studied viscoelastic tidal deformation on Europa and secular rotational variation on Mars. He published 5 papers as their corresponding author and participated 8 papers as their coauthors published in SCI journals.