

姓 名:龚一鸣


电子邮箱:ymgong@cug.edu.cn; gongym163-try@163.com


遗迹化石与地球生物学;泥盆纪与地层古生物;沉积地质学; 基于大数据的地层古生物和沉积地质研究;素质教育








龚一鸣,男,湖北武汉人。博士,二级教授,博士生导师。新浦金350vip(武汉)教学指导工作委员会主任委员,新浦金350vip(武汉)学术委员会副主任委员。全国模范教师,湖北省教学名师、师德标兵和有突出贡献的中青年专家,湖北省楚天园丁奖和五一劳动奖章获得者,新浦金350vip(武汉)最受学生欢迎的老师、三育人标兵和研究生的良师益友。地史古生物学国家教学团队负责人,《地史学》国家精品资源共享课和《地球的过去与未来》国家精品视频公开课负责人。全国地层委员会泥盆纪分会委员,国家自然科学基金重大项目“古生代海洋重大生物事件”(2013-2017)学术指导委员会委员。《地层学杂志》、《古地理学报》、《地质科技情报》和《Journal of Palaeogeography》编委。



Œ首次揭示出遗迹化石与拓扑的必然成因联系及遗迹化石拓扑特征的地质一生物学意义,开创了遗迹学和拓扑学研究的新领域—拓扑遗迹分析;有关拓扑遗迹分析的工作得到《Lethaia/国际地层古生物学报》审稿人的高度评价:“文章提出了许多非常令人感兴趣的美妙思想,···,在以前许多有关遗迹化石的分类方案中没有一种方案象本文阐述得如此的深刻和富有创见”。在二叠纪以碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩为寄主地层的Zoophycos深色蹼层、浅色蹼层中首次发现不同类型的微生物集群(Gong et al., 2007,2008),该成果(Geological Magazine, 2008, 145(1): 95-103),被《Nature China》选为“来自中国大陆和香港的突出科学研究成果”(http://www.naturechina.com;2008-01-16),并发表专题评述。

运用轨道旋回地层学的理论方法,在华南晚泥盆世弗拉阶-法门阶(F-F)之交建立十万年级-万年级高分辨率年代地层格架,提出赤潮-菌藻生物繁荣与晚泥盆世集群绝灭的成因联系;关于晚泥盆世轨道旋回地层的工作被Racki G., Wignall P.在其联名评述文章中评价为“包含许多令人感兴趣的成果,它对查明晚泥盆世F/F之交生物集群灭绝的可能成因机理具有重大意义”(Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2004, 205: 169-170)。

Ž从流态圈的角度和圈层耦合的高度,与同行一道对我国天山-准噶尔、秦岭和三江海西-印支造山带的地层、沉积、古地理、古气候和古海洋进行了系统的研究和总结,发展和丰富了造山带沉积地球科学的理论与方法,有关沉积作用与板块构造关系的论文,被第29届国际地质大会综合出版物《General Proceedings, 1993, p. 45》评价为“杰出的重要论文”,并获湖北省自然科学一等奖(2004)。


1 2013.01~2015.12~2017.12:“泥盆纪重大生物事件及其环境背景”,国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,编号:41290262,资助金额:420万元,负责人。

2 2015.01-2018.12: “雕画迹精细解剖与形态功能分析”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号:41472001,资助金额:116万元,负责人。

3 2011.01~2015.12: “若干重大地质环境突变的地球生物学过程”,科学技术部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(项目编号:2011CB808800)专题负责人。

4 2012.01~2014.12: “西准噶尔克拉玛依后山地区三维地质填图”,中国地质调查局地质调查项目,编号:基[2012] 01-044-003, 2012年经费预算:800万元,负责地层工作。

5 2008.01~2012.12~2017.12: “生物地质与环境地质创新引智基地”,教育部和国家外国专家局高等学校学科创新引智计划项目,编号:B08030,资助金额:900+900万元,成员。



1 龚一鸣,张克信主编.地层学基础与前沿(第二版).武汉:新浦金350vip出版社,2016,1-465.

2 龚一鸣,纵瑞文.西准噶尔古生代地层区划及古地理演化.地球科学—新浦金350vip学报,2015, 40 (3):461-484.

3 龚一鸣,史晓颖.关于时间、沉积与地层学的几点思考.地学前缘,2014, 21(2): 27-35.

4 龚一鸣.高校教师如何上好一门课.中国大学教学,2014, (9): 22-26.

5 龚一鸣,史晓颖,童金南.课堂教学中的素质教育.中国大学教学, 2012, (9): 59-62.

6 Jun-jun Song, Yi-ming Gong*. Late Devonian global ostracod palaeobiogeography.Lethaia, 2017, 50: 7-25.【*为通讯作者】

7 Ruo-ying Fan, Yi-ming Gong*. Ichnological and sedimentological features of the Hongguleleng Formation (Devonian–Carboniferous transition) from the western Junggar, NW China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 448: 207-223.

8 Ruiwen Zong, Zizhang Wang, Tao Jiang, Yiming Gong*. Late Devonian radiolarian-bearing siliceous rocks from the Karamay ophiolitic mélange in western Junggar: implications for the evolution of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 448: 266-278.

9 Cheng Huang, Yiming Gong*. Timing and patterns of the Frasnian–Famennian event: Evidences from high-resolution conodont biostratigraphy and event stratigraphy at the Yangdi section, Guangxi, South China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 448: 317-338.

10 Ruo-ying Fan, Yi-ming Gong*.Ichnological constraints of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological features of the middle Palaeozoic Palaeo-Asian Ocean, evidence from the western Junggar, NW China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 459: 209-228.

11 Ruiwen Zong, Ruo-Ying Fan, Yi-Ming Gong*.Seven 365-Million-Year-Old Trilobites Orderly Moulting within a Nautiloid Conch.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 34914, 1-7.

12 ZONG RuiWen, WANG ZiZhang, GONG YiMing*, WANG GuoCan,XIAO Long, WANG ZhiHong, FAN RuoYing. Ordovician radiolarians from the Yinisala ophiolitic mélange and their significance in western Junggar,Xinjiang, NW China.Science China Earth Sciences, 2015, 568 (5): 776-783.

13 Rui-wen ZONG, Ruo-ying FANG, Yi-ming GONG*. Advances in the research on Carboniferous deep-water marine deposits in western Junggar, northwestern China.Geological Journal, 2015, 50: 111-121.

14 Zhang Lijun, Fan Ruoying, Gong Yiming*. Zoophycos macroevolution since 541 Ma.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:14954, doi:10.1038/srep14954.

15 Gong, Yi-Ming, Shi, G. R., Zhang, Li-Jun, Weldon, E. A. Zoophycos composite ichnofabrics and tiers from the Permian neritic facies in South China and southeastern Australia.Lethaia, 2010, 43(2)182-196.

16 Gong, Y. M., Shi, G. R., Weldon, E. A., Du, Y. S.,Xu R. Pyrite framboids interpreted as microbial colonies within the PermianZoophycosspreiten from southeastern Australia.Geological Magazine, 2008, 145(1): 95-103

17 Yi-Ming Gong, Bao-Hua Li. Reply to comment on “Orbital cyclostratigraphy of the Devonian Frasnian--Famennian transition in South China”.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2004, 205 (1-2): 171-175.

18 Yi-Ming Gong, RuanXu. Conodont apatited18O signatures indicate cooling as a trigger of the Late Devonian mass extinction: Comment.Geology, 2003, 31 (4):383.

19 Yi-Ming Gong, Yuan-Lan Si.Classification and evolution of metazoan traces at a topological level.Lethaia, 2002, 35 (3): 263-274.

20 Gong Yiming, Zhang Lijun, Wu Yibu. Carboniferous coprolites from Qinhuangdao,North China.Science China Earth Sciences, 2010, 53(2): 213-219.[龚一鸣,张立军,吴义布.秦皇岛石炭纪粪化石.中国科学D辑:地球科学, 2009, 39(10)1421~1428.]

21 Feng, Qi, Gong, Yiming, Riding, Robert. Mid-Late Devonian calcified marine algae and cyanobacteria from South China and their geobiological significance.Journal of Paleontology, 2010, 84(4): 569-587.

22 Wei, F., Gong, Y., M., Yang, H. Biogeography, ecology and extinction of Silurian and Devonian tentaculitoids.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 358–360: 40-50.

23 GONG YiMing,XU Ran, HU Bin. Endolithic fungi: A possible killer for the mass extinction of Cretaceous dinosaurs.Science in China, Series D, 2008, 51(6): 801-807[龚一鸣,徐冉,胡斌.石内真菌:恐龙大绝灭的可能杀手.中国科学· D辑, 2008, 38(4):439-444.]

24 龚一鸣,杜远生,童金南,张克信,谢树成,胡斌,齐永安,张国成.旋回地层学:地层学解读时间的第三里程碑.地球科学, 2008, 33(4): 443-457.

25 GONG Yiming,XU Ran, FENG Qi, ZHANG Lijun, MA Huizhen, ZENG Jianwei. Hypersaline and anoxia in the Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition: molecular fossil and mineralogical evidences from Guangxi, South China.Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China, 2007, 1(4): 458-469

26 GONG Yiming,XU Ran,XIE Shucheng, HUANGXianyu, HU Bin, QI Yongan, ZHANG Guocheng. Microbial and molecular fossils from the PermianZoophycos.Science in China, Series D, 2007, 50(8): 1121-1127 [龚一鸣,徐冉,谢树成,黄咸雨,胡斌,齐永安,张国成.遗迹化石Zoophycos中的微生物和分子化石.中国科学·D辑, 2007, 37(6): 713-719]

27 GONG Yiming,XU Ran, TANG Zhongdao, SI Yuanlan, LI Baohua. Relationships between bacteria-alga proliferating and mass extinction in the Late Devonian Frasnian—Famennian transition: enlightening from carbon isotopes and molecular fossils.Science in China, Series D, 2005, 48 (10): 1656-1665 [龚一鸣,徐冉,汤中道,司远兰,李保华.晚泥盆世F—F之交菌藻微生物繁荣与集群绝灭的关系:来自碳同位素和分子化石的启示.中国科学·D辑, 2005, 35 (2):140-148]

28 Yi-Ming Gong, RuanXu, Zhong-Dao Tang, Bao-Hua Li. The Upper Devonian orbital cyclostratigraphy and numerical dating conodont zones from Guangxi, South China.Science in China, Series D, 2005, 48 (1): 32-41 [龚一鸣,徐冉,汤中道,李保华.广西上泥盆统轨道旋回地层与牙形石带数字定年.中国科学·D辑, 2004, 34 (7): 635-643]

29 Yi-Ming Gong, Hong-Fu Yin,Ke-Xin Zhang, Yuan-Sheng Du, Qing-Lai Feng,Xu-Long Lai, Shu-ChengXie, Jin-Nan Tong, Song-Zhu Gu,Xiao-Ying Shi,Elizabeth A. Weldon, Guang R. Shi,Xue-Ping Ma. Simplifying the stratigraphy of time: Comment.Geology, 2004, 32 (8):e59.

30 GONG Yiming, LI Baohua, SI Yuanlan, WU Yi. The Late Devonian red tide and mass extinction.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47 (13): 1138-1144 [龚一鸣,李保华,司远兰,吴诒.晚泥盆世赤潮与生物集群绝灭.科学通报, 2002, 47 (7): 554-560]

31 Yi-Ming Gong, Bao-Hua Li, Cheng-Yuan Wang and Yi Wu, Orbital cyclostratigraphy of the Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition in South China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2001, 168 (3-4): 237-248.

32 Yiming Gong and Mary L. Droser, Periodic anoxic shelf in the Early-Middle Ordovician transition: ichnosedimentologic evidence from the West-Central Utah, USA.Science in China, 2001, 44(11): 979-989.

33 Gong Yiming, Flysch trace fossils from the Hercynian and Indosinian orogenic belts of the northwestern China and their palaeoenvironmental significance.Acta Geologica Sinica, 1999, 73(4):384-394.

34 Gong Yiming, Wu Yi, Du Yuangsheng, Feng Qinglai, Liu Benpei, Devonian sea-level change rhythms in South China and coupling relationships among the earthspheres.Acta Geologica Sinica, 1997, 71(4): 370-385.

35 Gong Yiming, Huang Dinghua ,Topological configuration of a graphoglypt and its functional morphologial analysis.Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997,42(16):1394-1397 [龚一鸣,黄定华,雕画迹的拓扑结构及其形态功能分析。科学通报,1996,41(19):1768-1770页]

36 Gong Yiming, Process-facies types and sequences of Devonian volcanic sedimentary successions inNorthernXinjiang and their relation to plate tectonics.Acta Geologica Sinica, 1993, 6(3): 297-314, Plate 1.

37 龚一鸣,刘本培,新疆北部泥盆纪火山沉积岩系的板块沉积学研究。武汉:新浦金350vip出版社,1993,1-138页,图版1-12。

38 龚一鸣,杜远生,冯庆来,颜佳新,造山带沉积地质与圈层耦合。武汉:新浦金350vip出版社,1996,1-146页{图版1-12(彩色图版1-6)}。

39 龚一鸣,张克信主编。地层学基础与前沿。新浦金350vip出版社,2007,1-310(含6个彩页)。

40 龚一鸣,童金南,杜远生,谢树成,冯庆来,殷鸿福.地史学与古生物学创新人才培养模式研究与实践.中国地质教育,2009, 18(2): 49-56.

41 龚一鸣,童金南,黄定华,谢树成,胡斌,刘本培,殷鸿福.课堂教学中的角色定位与忌求,新浦金350vip学报-社会科学版, 2008(增刊): 127-132.